Should The Government Update Our US Human Rights?

Should government update US human rights?

Are you aware of your rights and freedoms through the Human Rights Act? Do you know how the Human Rights Act works? Not many of you would know what the steps are being taken for your welfare against the steps that are being taken to cajole you. A lot of these rights seem like a myth, and do nothing in reality to help you out.

What is the Human Rights Promise?

The existing rights promise to treat all citizens of US equally, and help them out of problem situations. It could be as simple as breach of privacy to criminal charges. The whole idea is to protect you in case you have no idea of how to save yourself from these charges. These acts will help you figure out a way when you are being harassed or wrongly punished by the authorities.


Rights Included

A look at the Human Rights structure in the United States shows that there are certain freedoms and rights being given to the people of the States.


There is the right to racial equality that has been pronounced well by this act. According to this act, the color, caste or creed of the person is not taken into account while pronouncing them with their voting rights.

The act has taken into account freedom from racial discrimination. In fact, the rights also suggest that in case a person faces such discrimination, they have the right to charge the people involved in discrimination. But, in most cases this act fails to perform its duties. While some may say, the human rights act is perfect in this case, many a times the system fails in protecting the rights of the person discriminated.

Gender Equality

Gender equality acts within the US human rights act has been perfected. In case of sexual harassment, a woman can complaint against the person who harassed her, and charge him. The workplace act is a pretty strong one in the United States, and a lot of women have benefitted thanks to this excellent act.

Disability Act

People with disability are treated with compassion by the United States. You will see quite a few people with disability holding good positions that they deserve. The government benefits serve them with pensions and wages that they can take home. Every person, disabled or not, is given an opportunity to work.

Sexual Orientation & Marriages

Laws related to sexual orientation are still in its nascent stage here. Marriages in another state are recognized by US human rights act. As of date, same sex marriages are not recognized by the US government. In fact, according to the act, no state needs to recognize the same sex marriages.

Do the Laws Need Change?

Though the rights have been declared, there are many cases that need an upgrade. For example same sex marriages might need a consideration. Racial discrimination still occurs, and the human rights activist needs to find a way to help them.

The rights are complete, just the whole implementation may not be that complete. It’s time to start implementing.

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